Chair and Steering Committee Vacancies – 3 Bridges Forum         



Three Bridges Forum is in urgent need of a Chairperson and new members to continue its role as ‘.. a non-political organisation for the benefit of Three Bridges by promoting discussion between local residents, other appropriate organisations, Crawley Borough Council and West Sussex County Council on issues of concern locally and on improvements to the area’s environment, appearance and amenities and safeguarding heritage values.

The Forum will create action plans and pursue these plans for the benefit of Three Bridges.’

The Forum presently conducts itself via in-person meetings comprising at least two ‘Full Forums’ (including an AGM) per year open to all members and usually held at Three Bridges Community Centre, plus bimonthly ‘Steering’ meetings attended by up to 15 representatives elected from the full membership, to formulate neighbourhood agendas, projects and action plans.


Please contact –

Forum Secretary : [email protected] or

CBC Community Development Officer : [email protected]

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