Hosted by Crawley Community Action

Thriving Communities is the national support programme initiated by the National Academy for Social Prescribing in response to the impact and challenges caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic. It’s aimed at helping voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise organisations share learning, ideas and best practice. By developing partnerships and fostering new connections we hope to create a stronger voluntary and community sector for social prescribing to take root and communities to thrive.

The South East Regional Lead for Thriving Communities is Esther Watts. Esther and the team work with organisations delivering social prescribing in their local communities and the local voluntary and community sector organisations providing the activity which social prescribers need to refer to, as well as listening to the needs of link workers and strategic partners.

Esther works with National Academy for Social Prescribing partner organisations in the South East: Arts Council, Sport England, Natural England and Money and Pensions Service, Historic England, NAVCA, NHS England & Improvement and the local representatives of the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities.

What is the Thriving Communities Programme?

Thriving Communities works through regional teams. These provide the link between local groups, health systems and NHS Link Workers. This helps your organisation to thrive and grow.

  • Connect with your regional lead
  • Find out about regional webinars, networking events, training, and funding opportunities


What support can you give me?

Different communities face their own unique challenges when it comes to the health and wellbeing of the people who live there. At NASP we’re working directly within communities to tackle these issues by bringing people together and building social prescribing networks.

We believe that by working together we can make a lasting difference to the health and wellbeing of our communities. We’re here to support and work with you to help you and your communities to thrive.

If you’re a voluntary, community, social or faith-based organisation, are running social prescribing projects or work within your community…

  • Get in touch.
  • Connect with others in your area
  • Learn about opportunities for partnerships and funding

Visit the evidence page for broader evidence into the impact of social prescribing, download toolkits, reports, and guidance about social prescribing on the resources page, book on to an upcoming event or watch a recording from a previous webinar. To access everything mentioned, please click on the link below –

Click here for more online information, resources, and evidence



Name : Esther Watts

Job Role : South East Regional Lead

Email[email protected]


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