Invitation to attend Crawley Community Mental Health Transformation Event




Do you live in or around Crawley and have experience of mental health difficulties?

Are you the friend, family, or carer for someone with mental health difficulties living in Crawley?

Do you work in or have links to mental health services in Crawley?


If so, Sussex Community Mental Health Transformation invite you to attend an in-person workshop to share your experiences and ideas about the future of mental health services in Crawley.

Date: Thursday 25 May 2023
10am – 1pm
The Charis Centre, Crawley, RH11 7EL

Register to attend:



Crawley has been chosen as the area for West Sussex to test out and pilot new integrated ways of working across mental health services to better meet the needs of the local population. This will involve services working together in different ways in the future with primary care, the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector (VCSE), and statutory sector partners, working together much closer as part of the community mental health transformation program.

It is really important that people with experience of mental health difficulties, as well as their families, friends and carers, come together with people who work in mental health services to be involved in all parts of the community transformation program. This is an opportunity to share ideas and to feedback how they can improve the way they provide mental health support to communities. The initial focus is on the Crawley area so ideally, they would like you to have used or worked in the services across Crawley and the surrounding area.


The workshop

This event follows on from a workshop that was held in autumn 2022. In this workshop, people with lived experience of accessing mental health services, families and carers, representatives from the health and care sector, local authority, and Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE), came together to identify the immediate priorities for Crawley to improve community mental health services.

In this workshop they will provide an update on what progress has been made so far and importantly, give you the opportunity to share your experiences and knowledge to help design the future of community mental health services for Crawley.

Before the event, they will send round a pre-read pack, but if you have any questions in the meantime, please get in touch at

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