Active Sussex Opportunities


Active Sussex is offering 3 specific opportunities which maybe of interest to the community groups. 


Sussex Project 500 Midweek Mingle @ the Malmaison 

The next Sussex Project 500 Coaching Community network meeting Midweek  Mingle @ the Malmasion will take place on Thursday 16th of March from 10.30am-12.30pm. Aligned to Project 500 10th birthday and International Women’s Day (8th March), the focus of this meeting will be celebrating female coaching and supporting each other.

Refreshments and lunch are included. Places are FREE but are running out fast so book your place now to avoid disappointment! Click here or the title link above for more information and bookings.


Project 500 National Webinar: Learning from today, shaping tomorrow – 10 years of Women in Coaching

How could the learnings and recommendations from Project 500 help you support the female workforce better? Join the Active Partnerships from the Southeast to discuss Project 500, a regional initiative that has been supporting women in coaching since 2013. Click the title link above to book your free place. 

As the sport and physical activity landscape has evolved, so has Project 500. Coaching is considered in the broadest sense, it includes all sports and physical activities, it recognises that some people consider themselves coaches, whilst others prefer the term leader, activator, or teacher. This 90-minute webinar will focus on:

  • Understanding Women in Coaching: their motivations, experiences, and challenges to start, stay and progress.
  • Recommendations for the future: improving the experience of women in coaching through effective engagement, flexible qualifications, and training support.


Active Sussex Insight Officer Vacancy 

This role supports the Trust to work towards reducing inequalities through the provision and access to physical activity opportunities. Deadline for applications: Thursday 9th March. Click the title link above for more information.


Finally a quick reminder that the Coach Core apprentice application window closes on Tuesday 7th of March, more information available on the website.

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