‘Trial by Jury’ by Phoenix Choir Crawley


Date: Saturday, 18th March 2023

Time: 7.30pm, with doors opening at 6.45pm.

Venue: St Andrew’s Church, Furnace Green, Crawley RH10 6NU


Phoenix Choir of Crawley will present a choral concert including the short comic opera Trial by Jury – a bite-sized portion of Gilbert and Sullivan’s signature witty lyrics, catchy tunes, and ridiculous plotlines.

The first half of the concert will feature a selection of Gilbert and Sullivan choruses performed by the choir, followed by a varied programme of short pieces performed by a quartet of fabulous professionals from the popular Ensemble Reza

  • Anna Cooper (piano and violin),
  • Matthew Quenby (viola),
  • Sarah Carvalho-Dubost (cello)
  • Katy Furmanski (double bass).

Their programme will include Karl Jenkins exciting Palladio, three movements from Saint-Saens’ Carnival of the Animals, some George Gershwin, Handel and the overture from Gilbert and Sullivan’s The Mikado.


Tickets for adults are £14.00 each, in advance, or £15.00 on the door (subject to availability).  Tickets for children aged 16 and under are FREE (maximum of 2 free child tickets per paying adult), whilst full time students aged 17 or over pay just £7.

To purchase tickets in advance, or for more information send an email request to [email protected], or contact  07821 872 666 (call or text).

To find out more about Phoenix Choir of Crawley visit www.PhoenixChoirCrawley.org or Facebook ‘Phoenix Choir of Crawley’ and for Ensemble Reza visit www.EnsembleReza.com.


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