Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)


For seventy-five years AA has helped thousands of people to recover from alcoholism through total abstinence: these men and women became sober, responsible members of society through attending AA meetings, practising 12-step programme of recovery and helping others to recover from alcoholism.

People come to AA through many different means… if you wish to learn more about AA, please choose the path below that suits you best.

  • There are Alcoholics Anonymous meetings every day and night of the week in all areas throughout the UK. You can find details of local meetings on the website ( Anyone who has a desire to stop drinking is welcome. If the meeting is listed as “Open” anyone may attend.
  • If you prefer e-mail as a means of contact then feel free to email at [email protected]. They have a team of volunteers who have experienced the problems that losing control of your drinking can bring and would be pleased to help with any enquiry.
  • If you want to speak to someone in your area who has found a solution to the problems they had as a result of their drinking you can call the  helpline Free on 0800 9177 650. If you wished they would put you in touch with someone locally.
  • You may wish to message one of the team of AA Member volunteers, if so, please use the Chat Now facility on the website. ( Introduce yourself with your first name, and if one of the team is online at that moment, He/she will respond and seek to answer your questions. (If there is no responder available, you will still be able to email them at  [email protected] and you will be answered as soon as possible.


Want to know more: 

A Newcomer Asks – You’ll find a compilation of FAQs here

Is_AA_for_you – Here is a checkbox exercise for you all.

Checkout their website at –

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