HIV Funding Programme



This is towards Zero Community Engagement and Development Programme for community groups operating in West Sussex. We are pleased to announce a new funded co-production programme delivered by Crawley Community Action and Community Works on behalf of West Sussex County Council (WSCC). The programme supports WSCC’s HIV Prevention Action Plan.


Key Points 

  • There will be a particular emphasis on work in higher incidence areas such as Crawley and Worthing.
  • Applications will be particularly encouraged from groups who have established operations and reach into communities in these areas.
  • In December 2021, the Government released Towards Zero: an Action Plan towards ending HIV Transmission, AIDS and HIV deaths in England by 2030.
  • WSCC is looking for community groups to be co-production partners and community champions for the development of its HIV Action Plan in 2024-25.
  • Up to £5,000 will be available for each participating group to help develop and implement a programme of community-based health promotion, delivered by and for groups and communities most at risk from HIV.
  • Groups will engage people using their services around HIV prevention approaches and carry out community consultations, health promotion events and social marketing. They will also work strategically with WSCC.


Priority population groups for this programme are:

  • Gay and bisexual men who have sex with men (GBMSM), particularly under age 30;
  • Sexually active young people (16-30);
  • People from racially minoritized communities and migrant communities with higher incidence of HIV;
  • Sex workers;
  • Trans people who have sex with men;
  • Users of drug and alcohol services;
  • Gypsy, Roma Travellers;
  • Users of homelessness services.


The main aims of the work will be

  • to increase awareness of HIV;
  • to improve the uptake and accessibility of HIV testing, HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), condom use and other safer sex strategies;
  • to develop insights in the health and healthcare needs of at-risk people, and to help WSCC to better understand the barriers and facilitators to PrEP uptake and regular HIV testing.


How much can you ask for?

  • There is £35,000 in total available and we aim to fund at least seven organisations to participate in this programme.
  • Each organisation can apply for up to £5,000 to fully cover the cost of participation
  • Organisations can apply in partnership, but funding is limited to £5,000 per organisation.


Application Pack:


Information sessions will take place online on:

Thursday 29 February – 12 to 1 pm

Wednesday 6 March – 5 to 6 pm

Contact the programme coordinator Magda Pasiut to sign up:


Deadline: 1st April 2024


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