01293 657 000
Following on from previous small grants funding to tackle health inequalities for communities of all ages across Sussex, this pot of funding specifically focusses on children and young people.
What is it and who can apply?
The total pot is around £20,000 and small grants of around £500 – £3,000 will be available to constituted community organisations operating in Sussex.
They are looking for organisations who can reach specific communities of children and young people to fill identified gaps in their insight and help them better understand their experiences of accessing health care services; their health and care priorities; and their health literacy (the ability to understand and use information to make decisions about their health).
If you would like to know more, they are running an online information session on:
Tuesday 10 September 2-3pm via MS Teams
Please follow this link to register to attend. They’ll send the meeting invitation out nearer the time. If you can’t attend the online information event, please don’t worry. They will share the slides and the Q&A after this event, with the application information.
The application process
Information on how to apply for this funding will be sent out by 13 September and applications will be open until Friday 25 October; the application form is kept short and to the point, to be proportionate to the amount of funding available.
You will also have the opportunity to send a very brief (100word) synopsis of your idea by email if you are not sure whether it will fit the grant criteria, which we will respond to within three days. This is entirely optional but may help those unsure whether to apply.
If you have any issues in registering for the online information event, or have any questions in the meantime, please email
Closing on: 25 October 2024