01293 657 000Female Client
Aged: 49 years
Ethnicity: British Asian – Pakistani.
Mishal had worked for the same employer for over 10 years and was very happy. However, a recent change in management had left her feeling that she had been poorly treated, bullied and undermined. A recent incident at work had led to Mishal experiencing the symptoms of a panic attack, and she had been signed off from work. Since that event, she had lost all interest in her normal activities, had been feeling very anxious and low in mood and had not been sleeping well. As part of her support package, Mishal’s GP referred her to Crawley Social Prescribing, where she was assigned a Link Worker to create a personalised support plan.
Whilst being supported by us, Mishal was initially signposted with information on the self-management of anxiety and panic symptoms provided by Anxiety UK and the NHS, including audio guides on anxiety control training. After discussing Mishal’s recent experiences, the Link worker helped her establish and explore her options surrounding her employment, examining the advantages and disadvantages of each possibility.
During these discussions, Mishal has signposted to the Making a Difference programme as an example of the opportunities for support in retraining and finding available alternative employment. At the final meeting, Mishal had resolved her dilemma by accessing advice through these services and, as a result, she had been feeling much more positive, stating that she “was getting back to her old self”.
And within one month of working with our Social Prescribing team, Mishal’s well-being score had risen from 49% (March 2022) to 94% (April 2022), showing a 45% improvement.
Please get in touch if you need any support.